Publié le par angelworld83

Project  2 : A NATION OF GUNFIGHTERS ar8-rWhy do American love guns and what is the social cost of gun ownership ? 

(Doc 1) :   2nd Amendment to the US Constitution

ar8-r  ( EOC / CE )

12EA7A~1(Seance 2)  

  Today you were welcomed in class with  ClassDojo.   notifications-small

Last lesson you were  introduced  to  the 2nd Amendment .

ar8-r (Doc 1) :   2nd Amendment to the US Constitution                                                We focused on listening .  I had you reorder the amendment  while listening to a cowboy poet.  You tried to identify the main clause, as well as the supporting argument. Together we rephrased the key ideas  to help you understand it. 

  Today , some of you volunteered  for  an oral   presentation of  the photo of  a famous sculpture located at the UN headquarters. It was a good opportunity to correct the Homework assignement you had been given last lesson.

Click on the logo to view the Worksheet.



   You  were then given a  Cloze Test as a correction  including the key vocabulary. 

Hope you 've  learnt something Résultat de recherche d'images pour "new gif"    today!       

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "blackboard homework" flag fr

-  Ecouter l'enregistrement (A Powerful Lobby)  mis en ligne en cliquant sur le lien ci -dessous .

Compléter le Tableau sur votre fiche avec  les informations demandées.

  ar8-r  Fiche   (EX: N°2 / A Powerful Lobby ) 


See you Monday !

Miss Angel ZD BYE 3 gif  

Publié dans 1ERE S 2017-2018

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