Publié le par angelworld83

Project  1: MADE IN THE USA!

(Doc 1) : : Los Angeles Travel Guide

 ( EO /  CO)


 (Seance 2) 

Today you were welcomed back in class with  ClassDojo.   

Last lesson,  you were introduced to a little video to  discover  LOS ANGELES .   It was a good opportunity to do some listening practice. 

We first did some anticipation work  from the soundtrack and the title.

(Doc 1) : Los Angeles Travel Guide


After a brief recap  we corrected today's 

It was a good opportunity to expand your vocabulary.  Together we updated the Word Cloud.


We then continued studying the ad. I had you focus on stressed words to tick those you

could actually hear in the recording.

Next , we focused on detailed comprehension. We focused on the importance of  repetitions and stressed words  while listening. I had you complete a grid to help you build meaning.

 Click on the logo to view the Worksheet .






Hope you 've  learnt something   














- Visionnez le guide touristique posté ci-dessous et finalisez  vos  repérages avec des mots porteur de sens. (au crayon)





- Voici le nuage de mots  élaboré en classe et mis à jour  ce matin. Vous pouvez l'enregistrer. Une copie sera distribuée Lundi.

See you on Monday!

Miss Angel  




Publié dans 2NDE USA 2018-19

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