Publié le par angelworld83


( Project  4 : GAMING PASSION )

What is the impact of  virtual spaces on our lives ? 

(Doc 1) :  The US Game Industry by Numbers

  ( EO / CO )

(Seance 1)  

Today you were welcomed in class with  ClassDojo.  


First things first  today , you were introduced to the topic of the next  Project  through  a movie trailer . You were asked to guess the theme of the lesson and  the issues that will be raised . Together we tried to phrase the  question

  After taking a short QUIZ  about the history of video games,  we focused on a few statistics . I had you listen to a podcast  entitled :

 (Doc 1) :  The US Game Industry by Numbers

You were expected to take down all the numbers you could hear  to help you discuss  the statistics. We then shared your findings with your classmates on what you  had  learnt.  

Click on the logo to view the Worksheet.






Hope you 've  learnt something   














 -  Lire l'article ( A Leading Form of Entertainment)  et répondre aux questions de compréhension par une phrase complète   . (Fiche)

- Ecoutez l'enregistrement  posté ci-dessous  et complétez votre tableau avec les informations manquantes .

See  next week !

Miss Angel 



Publié dans 1ERE STI2D 2018-19

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