Publié le par angelworld83

( Project 1 (Axe 1)  : Students of the World)

 (Doc 2) (Article)  On the Way to School

 ( CE / EO)


(Seance 4)  


Today you were welcomed in class with  ClassDojo.  



 Last lesson we focused on  reading  . You learnt how to take notes . I had you fill in a chart using the  information collected in both the  movie trailer and  the article

(Doc 2) (Article) On the Way to School 

 First things first today, it was time for a little vocabulary TEST.


 Next  , we corrected today's


 You first practised speaking from your notes .

Then it was time for some Grammar in Context . Together we reviewed some basic

rules  for the use of  adjectives and you were introduced to  some compound adjectives as well. We studied Part 1 of the Worksheet. 

It was a good opportunity to expand your vocabulary. 



Hope you 've  learnt something   














 -  Mémoriser les notes de la leçon ( Vocabulaire)

- Faire l'activité N° 4  en ligne sur Learning Apps (adjectifs composés)

See you on Thursday !

Miss Angel 


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